Launching of the Blog Sur la Route du #Patrimoine to Follow our #Responsible Adventure!

Dear Supporters and Partners,

It is a pleasure to introduce you the blog of our Project « Sur la Route du Patrimoine », finally :-). Some of you were very impatient, especially those who do not have Facebook access to follow and read some of our Project page updates.

Ne vous inquiétez pas!  Vous pouvez lire nos posts et pages dans la langue que vous voulez en utilisant l’outil de traduction à droite et en indiquant l’adresse du blog et choisissant la langue de votre choix. Même si la traduction n’est pas parfaite, cela est pratique et nous évite de traduire en 4 langues… 🙂

Don’t worry! You can read our posts and pages in the language of your choice by using the translation tool on the right, precising the http blog address and the language of your choice. Even if the translation is not perfect, it is very easy and let us writing in only one language!

Now, it is easy to follow us using several options. You can register for the following by email, or the RSS link on the left sidebar.

You can follow some of the updates from the social media of the projects (Twitter, Facebook).

If you like a post, do not hesitate to write something on the comment boxes at the end. You can rank it as well and share with your social media accounts in order to reach other audiences.

Do not forget that you are all parts of the adventures. So we will really enjoy to see you followers with your comments and eventually questions!  One of the objective of our project is really to meet new people and to raise awareness about the fragile environment. So please, do share this blog address with your friends, with your family, with your co-workers, etc.

Enjoy reading and sharing !!! I am sure you will like the pictures as well!

And Remember:

  1. Follow our blog’s updates and new posts by visiting and/or registering to the follow-up plugins.
  2. Comment and share your comments about posts that you like
  3. Share / promote the blog ( and the website that will be updated and relooked very soon (http://www.responsabilitesansfrontieres.orgto your contacts

David and Miguel

2 réflexions sur “Launching of the Blog Sur la Route du #Patrimoine to Follow our #Responsible Adventure!

  1. Denis dit :

    BOnne chance et bonne route! Cela fera rêver plus d’un, depuis les murs gris de nos bureaux, alors donnez-nous en plein les yeux et plein les coeurs!!

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